Who we are

Who we are

Forfatternes Forvaltningsselskab was founded in November 2014.

The organization is owned by the representative associations of Danish text authors, including writers of fiction, non-fiction, journalism, satire and manuscripts as well as translators.

The organization was founded by Danske Populærautorer (DPA), Danske Dramatikere, Danske Jazz, Beat og Folkautorer (DJBFA), Danske skønlitterære Forfattere, Dansk Oversætterforbund (DOF), Udvalget til Beskyttelse af Videnskabeligt Arbejde (UBVA), Dansk Forfatterforening (DFF) and Dansk Journalistforbund (DJ). Danske Dramatikere withdrew from the organization on the 1st of January 2019, and today the organization is owned by the other founding associations.

Altogether, we represent more than 70,000 Danish text authors.

All associations are represented in the organization's board. Currently, this board consists of:

  • Morten Rosenmeier (chairman). Professor. Ph.D. and chairman of Udvalget til Beskyttelse af Videnskabeligt Arbejde (AC/Akademikerne)
  • Jan Thielke (vice-chairman). Writer, poet and former chairman of DsF
  • Morten Visby. Literary translator and chairman of DFF
  • Tine Johansen. Journalist. Chairman of DJ
  • Jacob Morild. Actor and text author. Board member at DPA
  • Anna Lidell. Songwriter and musician. Vice-chairman of DJBFA

 The managing director of the organization is Stig Oluf von Hielmcrone.

What we do

What we do

Forfatternes Forvaltningsselskab is a commercial corporation intended to improve text authors' financial benefit from the use of their works. Also, the activities of the organization are meant to facilitate an increased user availability of writings.

We do this by negotiating and forming new agreements on the use of writing, text and literature in order to create the best possible results for the text authors we represent.

The organization as such is a non-profit company. The proceeds are distributed to the text authors we represent as copyright payment for the use of their textual works.

On behalf of DFF, DsF and AC/UBVA specifically, we carry out a comprehensive media monitoring that records instances of authors and academic experts appearing on television. We do this in order to be able to assist said associations with a correct and adequate disbursement of the payments they handle for Copydan Verdens TV.

Creator of litterature?

What you can use us for

Forfatternes Forvaltningsselskab enters into wide, collective licensing agreements on the use of a plurality of copyrighted works. For example, when a broadcaster needs to use many different works with numerous rightsholders.

If your work is used in a context like that, you will receive the relevant remuneration for the use of your work.

In order for us to be able to disburse payments to you as a rightsholder, we need some information. You only need to submit such information, if we ask you to do so. The information you submit is transmitted by way of a safe, encrypted link found here: use this contact form.

Of course, you can still manage your works as you have done previously. Forfatternes Forvaltningsselskab works to create additional income for authors, primarily within new business areas hitherto without commercial value for authors. Hence, the activities of the organization are not an 'either-or' in relation to the way you commercialize your works today, but rather a question of added value.

You are always welcome to contact us with questions, comments and ideas.

Forfatternes Forvaltningsselskab is approved by the Danish Ministry of Culture.